Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

NUSNET connection problem

From IT Care, Computer Centre.

Currently we are experiencing some issues with accessing external websites.

On some of this website, the pictures will not load properly. The engineers is currently working on resolving this issue.

For the time being, please kindly follow these steps to apply the workaround:

1. Launch internet explorer.

2. Click on "tools" -> "internet options".

3. Click on "connection".

4. Click on "lan settings".

5. Tick the box for "use a proxy server".

6. Enter "beacon.nus.edu.sg" for the addrees and "3128" for the port number.

7. Click ok till you are back in internet explorer.

Now try accessing the same website again, the website should be able to load now.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Hmm, I think I should start a new label for my post - "Emo" - to see how many times I emo throughout the year, or throughout my whole life (if I'm going to blog until I'm old...)... haha

simple life

All I want is...

just to live simply....

But why is it so hard?



Yeah, will be covering Culture Night later - this will be my first photocomm duty!

Why waste your time

Why waste your time?
When nobody cares?
And nobody looks back,
but only you.


Can't possibly recall how many times I've reminded my self to be positive, cheerful, don't care what others think of me, look ahead and never look back...

Just can't understand why I behave like little girl - easily upset, easily depressed, easily emo, easily mood swing, easily jealous, easily frustrated over small things...

I've notes and reminders pasted in front of my table, wrote down in my planner, posted in my diary... still I can't practice 'em in real life...

I'll WASTE MY time stoning, rolling on bed, oversleep, looking at people, admiring people who are successful in their life, youtube-ing emo MVs, listen to classical emo songs...

I've changed... sometimes I can't even recognize myself.


Okay, binghan! Enough emo-ing... get back to work!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Went Far East with YC and XY. XY went there to buy dress for her Chingay dinner the coming Friday. We went there around 1300.

Shopped until 1900.

On our way back in bus, XY sat beside me because the seat beside YC was dirty. After a while, both of them dozed off because too tired. and... XY leaned and slept on my shoulder along the way...

this is the first time a girl leaned and slept on my shoulder...

Saturday, October 20, 2007



所有的學生都想了很久,其中有一個學生說: 因為我們喪失了"冷靜",所以我們會用喊的.

"但是為什麼別人就在你旁邊而已,你還是用喊的, 難道不能小聲的說嗎?為什麼總是要用喊的?"教授又問. 幾乎所有的學生都七嘴八舌的說了一堆, 但是沒有一個答案是讓教授滿意的.

最後教授解釋說: "當兩個人在生氣的時候,心的距離是很遠的, 而為了掩蓋當中的距離使對方能夠聽見,於是必須用喊的, 但是在喊的同時人會更生氣,更生氣距離就更遠,距離更遠就又要喊更大聲........"

教授接著繼續說:"而當兩個人在相戀時會怎麼樣呢? 情況剛好相反,不但不會用喊的, 而且說話都很輕聲細語,為什麼? 因為他們的心很接近,心與心之間幾乎沒有距離, 所以相戀中的兩個人通常是耳語式的說話, 但是心中的愛因而更深,到後來根本不需要言語, 只用眼神就可以傳情,而那時心與心之間早已經沒有所謂的距離了.....

最後教授做了一個結論: "當兩個人爭吵時,不要讓心的距離變遠, 更不要說些讓心距離更遠的話,自然的過了幾天, 等要心的距離已經比較沒有那麼遠時,再好好的說吧!!"


Sunday, October 14, 2007


There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up

Arthur Chan

Friday, October 12, 2007

When women earn more

These are 2 interesting article at MSN - situations where women earn more than men.



There aren't many girls who will fall for guys who earn less than them. Girls like guys who are more dominant than them, guys who has more potential in earning more money than them. Thats what one of my friend said last time.

Hmm, the girl in the second article sure is rare to find nowadays. Hah.