Sunday, August 14, 2011

war in defence of Islam? What nonsense.

"We are saying here that we will launch an all-out war to defend our faith if they (anti-Islam elements) do not stop (and) use their agents -Malaysiakini and Malaysian Insider - which were biadap(rude) towards the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais)."

This is what will happen when people aren't open minded and over-sensitive and over-protective towards religions. (I'm a person that doesn't believe in any religion. I acknowledge those religion that teaches good practices and moral values.)

There are so many other issues that we should focus on instead of fighting over something (nonsense) like this.

For example, global issue - over population.

For example, nation issue - corruption.

The problem is, most of these so called leader aren't well educated. They didn't receive proper higher education (in Science and Technology). They weren't taught to embrace diversity, love peace, accept others, and most important - equal human rights. They always thought themselves as superior.

There are serious hole in Malaysia education systems.

Not sure how long will it takes for those countrymen (those group of people) to accept others, and open up their mind.

Maybe by that time its already too late for them to enjoy peace, because the other global crises, like energy depletion, overpopulation, environment pollution already at its peak.

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