Monday, July 23, 2007

updates [RAG]

Sigh, almost RAG Day already, but still have a lot of things to do. A lot of structures still need to be claded and touch-up after that. Still completing the little-bit-of-here-and-there structure for these few days.

Mass production for this year is a bit slow also. Most of the cladding materials are like insufficient all the time. We, engineers need to sit down whole day to produce the complicated cladding pieces. Can't depend on most RAG helpers. Most of their product need to be QC-ed. The worse thing is that the cladding pieces cannot be salvaged cause they are completely OFF!


Today just before we 收工, chingi accidentally cut her finger with the rattan cutter. I think she was shocked by the incident also. She was a like laughing and joking with us (those who still at RAG area) while watching the blood dripped off from her hand. At first, she said loudly that lichin is going to scold her for making the tatami dirty with "red paint". Weliam and I thought she was just joking, or should I say fooling around, as both of us are very tired and exhausted from whole day work. But after a while, we noticed that the "paint" keep on dripping from her hand. Then only we realize that she cut her finger. Jamie and I rushed to Recrea Room to get first aid kit to treat her wound. After a while, julian came. He was stunned by the incident also. We asked julian to continue treat chingi's wound since he is the only person with clean hand (he just bathed). Haih, the thing that I don't understand is that, keep on asking her wan't to go hospital or not, while chingi replied "no, don't need lar..." Another thing, ju removed the bandage on her hand and look at the wound, and try to describe the depth of the cut to chingi, while she keep on saying she don't want to look at it.
Haih, your girlfriend leh... just bring her to hospital if you think theres a need - to prevent infection. Or... just apply a bit of pressure on the wound with bandage, and apply iodine on the wound after the bleeding slowed down. WHY still look at the wound to see and try-to-describe-the-wound? STOP THE BLEEDING AND DISINFECT THE WOUND LAR!

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