Saturday, February 27, 2010

TED: Kelvin Kelly tells technology's Epic Story

A very good talk on what technology is about.

Some of the phrases that caught my attentions:

1. The confusion about new technology: Now the new default position about a new technology that come about is the "precaution principal"... when you meet a new technology, you stop, until it can be proven that it brings no harm.

2. The better way is the "proactionary principal": You engage with technology, you try out -
try to anticipate it,
constantly assess it,
evaluate the risks,
fix it, and
relocate it.

3. The response to a "bad idea" is a "better idea".

4. Technology brings us:
Thats why people leaves villages to the cities, because people always gravitating towards increasing choices of possibilities.

if we allow it to :)


Great talk!

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