Sunday, November 07, 2010

Wedding Cinematography standard

Saw a friend's photo (and video) coverage on his friend's wedding. Looked through the whole photo album and have this feeling that the photos composure, settings and even focus point of some of the photos are just off.

Hmm, at least, its gives me idea of what kind of photographer (or videographer) I will look for next time ;)

Personally, I like work from Liwei.

One of his latest work.


  1. I think I'm gonna hire him to do my wedding's cinematography in the future. And lately i've been watching these stuffs. gosh.

  2. He is my hostel + photo committee friend last time. I can help you ask him if you want.

    But not sure he still remember me or not... hahaha.

  3. I think I'm gonna hire him to do my wedding's cinematography in the future. And lately i've been watching these stuffs. gosh.
