Monday, February 28, 2011

Life, what is it all about?

Saw this video posted by a lot of friends in Facebook.

Most people's first reaction/impression is that - This is a very noble project - It educates people about what we only need everyday - Food, Energy, Medicines, Entertainment (in the form closest to nature). On top of that energy saving, reduce waste consumption...

But what comes into my mind is rather different after watching this video.

It make me worry for those people who live-life-simple and not willing to update themselves to technology. I'm not suggesting that we should buy phones for kids, but rather, educates them how to harvest knowledge using technology. There are just so much we can do with technology to find information very quickly, communicate and share ideas with the rest of the world - To improve this world.

The best real-life example now is the political shift in Egypt. Its because of social media technology like Facebook, and Twitter. Knowledge can flow to people around the country. And power-greedy dictators around the world can no longer keep people in the dark and keep on manipulating them. People start to speak up and rights can be protected.

These kind of shift of paradigm is what important to improve the world.

Just imagine what will happen if everyone starts to live-life-simple... there bound to be tragic incident like Second World War, where hundred thousand of helpless civilians in Nanking were murdered; or in Libya now, where innocent citizens were shot because Colonel Gaddafi ordered to battle against rebels "till the last bullet"; or in China, were the central government block and filters access of information to its people in order to counter "'Jasmine Revolution", some of the activist even got caught and never returned ever since.

This world is still full of power-hunger people. And it will always be if not everyone has access to knowledge. Only technology enables every single person with equal chances to reach out to knowledge.

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