Friday, April 08, 2011

Update (1) : Facebook

Went through my second interview for Facebook 8am this morning. The first interview was on 2nd April, 12am.

Interview 1

The call was from FB technical recruiter and its a background info + little bit of technical interview call. The technical questions are mostly on Data Structure and Algorithm questions.

Interview 2

The call was from FB product engineer. Its a problem solving technical call where the interviewer will describe the problem and I was asked to logon to a website to do the coding there.
My interviewer was the engineer that works on FB chat. And he was with Microsoft for the past 12 years! A very experienced guy.

This is my first time on a call-interview (the last call interview was Bloomberg, but I did the call at the HQ here in Singapore). Its a very unique experience - coding online directly with the interviewer. :)

Pray for me. Hope I can still go thru the coming 3 rounds of interview :)


  1. Wao!Han Ba, Jiayoujiayou!

  2. 哈哈,谢谢!
    其实接下来的问题全部有点难,会非常技术性 >.<'


  3. Haha, real lar. Too bad ended already :(

    But expected, not entirely prepared for it.
