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Did a 404 page for my pet project - (Give me a "Thumbs Up" if you think its nice too! Hahaha)
Personally, I like the ray on top, simply because the animation is done using CSS3 -webkit-keyframes. Cool eh? Haha.
@-webkit-keyframes opacity { 0% { opacity: 0.2; } 50% { opacity: 1.0; } 100% { opacity: 0.2; } }
I find web development (HTML, CSS, Javascript) interesting because theres just so much to learn and the whole language and standards are evolving very fast, which is a good thing!
Despite the restless schedule everyday (including weekend!), I enjoyed the whole learning process.
Looking back the my codes half a year ago makes me feel "oh my, how can I code in such a inefficient way".
Just hope that I can have someone to sit down together to work with, and discuss. A bit "lonely" to work alone... hahaha.