Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lunchsparks 404

This is just a random and short update of my daily work.

Error 404 Page Not Found.

Did a 404 page for my pet project - (Give me a "Thumbs Up" if you think its nice too! Hahaha)

Personally, I like the ray on top, simply because the animation is done using CSS3 -webkit-keyframes. Cool eh? Haha.

@-webkit-keyframes opacity {
 0%   { opacity: 0.2; }
 50%  { opacity: 1.0; }
 100% { opacity: 0.2; }

I find web development (HTML, CSS, Javascript) interesting because theres just so much to learn and the whole language and standards are evolving very fast, which is a good thing!

Despite the restless schedule everyday (including weekend!), I enjoyed the whole learning process.

Looking back the my codes half a year ago makes me feel "oh my, how can I code in such a inefficient way".

Just hope that I can have someone to sit down together to work with, and discuss. A bit "lonely" to work alone... hahaha.


小皮也参与 "No Lynas"!

难得雨情整家人抽空拍了一系列的 "NO LYNAS" 照片。就连小皮和大老板都拍了,可见政府这次真的踩到大家的尾巴了。

大家可到 搜寻更多有关反 LYNAS 的资料。


NST今天报道指 LYNAS 工程并不危险

JIB哥也发表强调 LYNAS 并不危险 (。


我还是认为 (Rare Earth) Chemical Processing Plant 的 "Chemical Waste" 怎样都还是会对环境造成严重污染与损坏。

JIB 哥还说:
"We would not have issued an operating licence unless we are satisfied that the local community can accept the project as safe,"
眼看这么多人反对这计划,肯定是 local community cannot accept 咯。

我觉得这样一个 project 被批准,背后肯定牵涉到(高官)贪污。不排除老大也受惠。 ;)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sneak-peek of work

Sneak peek: The new guide bar.

A sneak peek on the coming soon feature of TackThis :)

In case you are wondering. This is one of the product of the startup company that I'm working in - PayWhere. Its a platform for casual sellers to setup their online shop in Facebook, and other Web platforms, while maintaining just one inventory.

I'm one of the application developer there, and yup, my footprints is all over the code base.

A lot of development plans coming up for TackThis, and I'm excited about it. Actually I'm more excited about the application framework restructure. This will make the code changes, and maintenance much easier.


Screenshot from New York Knicks

This is the hottest guy in Facebook nowadays - Jeremy Lin.

From the interviews, seems like he is a humble guy, despite all the limelights after 7 straight wins for New York Knicks.

This is my favourite quote from him.
"I don't want to let anything affect me or this team. We need to make sure we stick together, put our egos aside. When we put our egos aside and buy-in we're going to win ball games."
- Jeremy Lin

The popular words in Facebook for the past two weeks:
Lin'sanity, Everyday I'm Shuff'Lin, All'Lin, Absolute'Lin,  Lin'spirational...

He is the reason many people started watching NBA again.

And of course, underdog or well-prepared? This video says it all.

(One thing that I think quite sad about is, at the time Lin's news flooded Facebook and major tabloids,  Whitney Houston passed away. And there are just so few talk/tribute to her contribution in music industry)

Thress Simple Rules In Life

[Source] Facebook

Saw this image circulating in Facebook. At first, I thought its "just another MEME", then I decided to take a look.

Reflecting the points in the image:

1. If you do not go after what you want, you'll never have it : [CHECKED]
I'm working in a startup company - PayWhere. Although the pay is a little bit low (hahahaha), but I enjoyed the job scope and the learning opportunity there.
I'm aggressively working on my startup project also - #LS.

2. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no: [CHECKED]
I've a wonderful girlfriend, so obviously I had the answer - Yes.

3. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place: [CHECKED]
I'm always on the move in life. I think I've pass the stage where I'm still cling on computer games, or Facebook game (the more popular option nowadays), or emo-ing/grumbling about how life/people mistreat them (I mean, once a while is okay, but if you're posting it everyday, theres got to be something wrong with yourself that you should seriously reflect on). I'm just comparing myself with friends on Facebook here.
I feel there are a lot more for me to pursue (in terms of career, and skills) at this point of life.

So yup, to my brothers who are still playing games everyday, or aimlessly living through day by day:
- Stop playing games so "seriously" if you're not going to depend on that as a career in the future.
- Start planning/pursuing a career that you think you'll enjoy it for the next 30 years.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Random Update

Typical work desk at home.

Been busy everyday for the past few months, trying to code out the alpha stage of my website project.

Ah, the progress is just so slow, when you only have weekends to work on it. Maybe because I'm not that experience in developing a complete website.

Nevertheless, its still a good experience that I enjoy very much.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

行到水穷处, 坐看云起时

中岁颇好道, 晚家南山陲。
兴来美独往, 胜事空自知。
行到水穷处, 坐看云起时
偶然值林叟, 谈笑无还期。




Tuesday, February 07, 2012

A Day Made of Glass 2: Unpacked. The Story Behind Corning's Vision.

A glimpse into the near future, by Corning.

Great vision.

If only the whole technology enablers can work together towards this vision, all these can be as near as tomorrow.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors

Very cool! Can use this for all sorts of events. From formation for national events, to... wedding proposal (this will be cool right ;) ) Haha.

Bookmarked a a hobby project.