Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hate those reckless drivers

REALLY REALLY HATE those drivers near my area. The like to speed, ignore red light, and most important: RACING!

Driving back from ZeGanG (guys) gathering at Sharing Planet yesterday night. At the traffic light before MJC round-about, two cars race pass through. Unfortunately one of the car was blocked by the car in front of me, and he couldn't overtake. As a result, he stucked with us (the rest of the cars) at the traffic light.

As soon as the light turned green, he tried to accelerate, but the car in front of him wasn't going any faster. I was just behind him. As the round about there, he suddenly break and U-turned! CHEE-BYE! I was just behind him and he break like that! Luckily I manage to break in time! Really shocked!

IF I couldn't break in time and crash into his car, the first thing I will do is to grab any weapon-potential in car and whack him on the spot!!! Just what the hack is he thinking! (opps, sorry for being so aggressive... haha...)

Saw the news in paper this morning about the accident at the newly-built BDC fly-over. Its not even a day after the fly-over officially launched on 10th. This shows how people drive in Kuching...

Singaporean friends always ask me whether Malaysian drivers drive safely or not... haih, its just very hard to give any comment. The only thing I can reply is: depends on which area you are in... sad...

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