Wednesday, May 19, 2010

KR Command 2010 - FYF Tribute

FYF Tribute by Soon Fatt, during his valedictorian speech for Command 2010.
We've got Heidi who seriously needs some Medicine
Samuel who needs some slimming Medicine
And I heard Teik Zhen just got his gal from Medicine

Yan Jie is studying Thai 6
Xiao Bai is learning Thai
Daniel prepares to go Thai

Yee Kiat loves his guitar
Cheng Kang's the soccer hero
Well, Su Yuen plays both at the same time - guitar hero

Joel's from Acapella
Yi Lynn thinks she's Twilight Bella
Alexis, you can always stand under my umbrella

Minyi dreams to be a Stepper
Chun Ting is a hot Stepper
Adrianus always bio at Steppers

Joyce is our Drama Queen
Zhang Pei calls herself the Queen
Bing Han got himself the RAG Queen

Rachel thinks she's a Diva
Shin Fei comes from the block of Divas
And Jia Xin simply a Diva

Kimberly represents NUS with her bow and arrow
Eng Tat loves shooting arrow
4K always kenna arrow

Andrea studies E-Lit
Marc's our tennis elite
Weliam the Buddha Elite

Eunice the evil twin
Esther the equally evil twin
Wei Liang is in love with a twin

Hao Xiang the handball manager
Tian Ying is Wei Liang's manager
Hokito misses his manager

Chin Gi plays Er Hu
Thye Heng always Ping Hu
Wee Wen confirm Zha Hu

Kelvin always gets called Soon Fat
Stamford has always been Fat
Gim Sen, stop getting Fat!

Peklyn is KR Rocker's bass
Juncheng is KR Stepper's base
But Brian set the best base

Mark Koh scores a goal
While Ronny show his mojo
Joseph go Emo-jo

Deborah was the Public Relations Director
Suffian's our best Hall Production Director
Gerald wishes he was a R21 Director

Vernon enjoys the spotlight
Kenny bought MPSH's spotlight
Sherry has a perpetual spotlight

Tze Wee watches Godzilla
Kimberly Siew craves for Milo Godzilla
Siewling's KR's very own Godzilla

Moses split the sea
Peter went NOC
Annie can't speak PRC

Kuan Thye's nickname was 'Polar Bear'
Calvin Lo is hairy like a bear
Melissa has thick lips more than I can bear

Lastly, the day we are overtaken in IHG,
Is the day Zhu Hui 飞
And I confirm scold Tina Beh!

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